Showing posts with label Self-Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self-Care. Show all posts

Emotional Flashback and Toxic Shame


Serene landscape of a forest at dawn, symbolizing healing and transformation, with a clear stream flowing through lush greenery, embodying themes of resilience, overcoming trauma, emotional resilience, and the journey from surviving to thriving.

Emotional Flashback: The Effects of Toxic Shame 

By Michael Mason, M. Ed., LPC, NCC. 

Welcome to "Wellness Education Wednesday," a space where we illuminate lesser-discussed corners of mental health, guiding you from the shadows of trauma into the light of understanding and healing. Writing from my own experiences, my journey through the U.S. Army, personal battles with mental health, and professional commitment at Safe Harbor Counseling, equips me with a unique blend of empathy and expertise to support those on their healing journey. 

Emotional Flashbacks: A Closer Look 

Emotional flashbacks are not mere memories but visceral, intense emotions that catapult you back into the emotional state of past trauma, without an accompanying visual narrative. This can leave one feeling suddenly overwhelmed by emotions like fear, shame, or loneliness, disconnected from the present moment. 

For Example: Imagine being suddenly engulfed in fear upon stepping into a dimly lit room, not because of the room itself, but because it subconsciously reminds you of a past, fearful situation. This is the reality for many dealing with emotional flashbacks, a reminder that these experiences, though invisible, are profoundly real. 

Real-Life Example: Consider Alex, a client who, upon hearing a certain melody, found themselves plummeted into deep loneliness and despair, reminiscent of their childhood experiences. Alex's story illustrates the bewildering nature of emotional flashbacks, highlighting the importance of recognizing and naming these experiences for what they are: echoes of the past seeking acknowledgment in the present. 

Unraveling Toxic Shame 

Toxic shame is a debilitating belief in one's inherent unworthiness, a shadow that darkens every achievement and interaction. It's more than feeling guilty for a wrong action; it's an all-consuming conviction of being fundamentally flawed. 

Simplifying the Complex: Think of toxic shame not as a moment of regret but as a lens through which you view yourself, permanently colored by the belief of being less than, unworthy of happiness, and love. 

Transitioning from Surviving to Thriving 

Incorporating trauma-informed care into our approach, we prioritize safety, empathy, and empowerment, guiding each individual through their unique path from darkness into light. Here are some actionable steps derived from trauma-informed principles to aid in your journey: 

Actionable Steps: 

  • Acknowledge and Label: Recognizing an emotional flashback is occurring is a powerful first step towards disarmament. 

  • Self-Compassion: Remind yourself that these feelings are not reflective of your current reality but echoes of the past. 

  • Seek Connection: Whether it's reaching out to a friend or engaging with a community online, connection is crucial. 

Personal Insights from Michael Mason 

In my own therapy and throughout my career, I've seen and experienced the transformative power of trauma-informed care firsthand. Each individual's journey reaffirms my belief in the resilience of the human spirit. It's not just about surviving; it's about redefining one's narrative on their own terms, embracing both vulnerability and strength. 

Extending Support Beyond Our Family 

Our journey has been enriched by the supportive community we've built and engaged with—other families navigating similar paths, educators, and mental health professionals. "Creating a network of support is invaluable," a truth that my family and I live by. 

Your Invitation to Join Us 

If this post resonated with you, remember, you're not alone. We're here to navigate the complexities of healing together. Follow our journey on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit for a free consultation. 

Together, let's turn the tide from surviving to thriving, in a journey marked by understanding, compassion, and empowerment. 

Tranquil sunset over a serene lake with a lone figure reflecting on personal growth, symbolizing the culmination of overcoming trauma, mindfulness, and the peaceful transition to emotional well-being and resilience.

Cultivating Mindfulness: A Guide to Weekend Meditation and Reflection


Reflective garden setting for mindfulness and mental health rejuvenation, featuring a bench in a serene park with a pond, symbolizing weekend relaxation, growth, and self-care.

As we traverse the complexities of modern life, finding moments of peace and clarity becomes not just a method of self-care, but a necessity. I am Michael Mason, M.Ed., LPC, NCC, a dedicated veteran and Lead Therapist at Safe Harbor Counseling. Through both my professional practice and personal journey, I've come to value the profound impact of mindfulness and meditation. These practices offer not just a respite from the chaos but a pathway to deeper understanding and connection with ourselves. In this guide, I aim to introduce you to the transformative practice of mindfulness, focusing on its application during the weekends for renewal and preparation for the week ahead. 

The Essence of Mindfulness 

Mindfulness is about being present in the moment, fully engaged with our current experience without distraction or judgment. It teaches us to observe our thoughts and feelings from a distance, not letting them define us. This practice offers a precious pause in our hectic lives, a chance to breathe, reflect, and just be. 

Why Embrace Weekend Mindfulness? 

  • Enhanced Mental Clarity: Making mindfulness a staple of your weekend ritual can clear the mental fog, setting a tone of clarity for the upcoming week. 

  • Stress Reduction: It significantly lowers stress levels, allowing for a more measured approach to both personal and professional challenges. 

  • Improved Sleep Quality: Mindfulness aids in quieting the mind for a deeper, more restful sleep. 

  • Emotional Equilibrium: Regular practice helps in managing emotions, fostering a state of balance and peace. 

Initiating Your Mindfulness Journey 

  1. Select a Peaceful Spot: Your meditation space should be a sanctuary of calm, whether it's a quiet corner of your home or a soothing outdoor setting. 

  1. Establish a Routine: Consistency is crucial. Choose a time each weekend to dedicate to your practice and guard this time as you would any important appointment. 

  1. Start with Brief Sessions: Even five minutes of meditation can be beneficial. Gradually extend the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice. 

  1. Leverage Digital Resources: For those new to meditation, apps like Headspace or Calm provide guided sessions that ease you into the practice. Websites such as Insight Timer offer a variety of free meditations suitable for all levels. 

  1. Incorporate Reflection and Gratitude: Post-meditation, take a moment to journal or simply reflect on what you're thankful for. This enhances the benefits of your practice, grounding you in positivity and gratitude. 

Mindfulness and the Transition of Daylight Savings 

Linking back to my earlier discussion on "Navigating Daylight Savings: A Compass for Your Mental Well-being," embracing mindfulness as we adjust to the time change can be particularly beneficial. The practice helps mitigate the mental and emotional disruptions caused by the shift, allowing us to utilize the extra daylight for enhanced self-care and introspection. 

Join the Conversation 

I encourage you to share your experiences with mindfulness or meditation in the comments below or connect with us on social media. Your journey is a source of inspiration and support to others on this path. 

For those looking for a more personalized approach to mindfulness or any other aspect of mental health, Safe Harbor Counseling is here to help you. Visit our website at to schedule your complimentary 15-minute consultation. Together, we can explore the pathways to a more mindful, fulfilling life. 

Let us embrace the journey of mindfulness with an open heart, allowing its practice to illuminate our lives with clarity and peace. 

Serene meditation space for weekend mindfulness, featuring a meditation cushion and mat in a peaceful corner with natural elements, a book, and herbal tea, embodying relaxation and self-reflection for mental health and self-care.

Unlocking Resilience: A Voyage to Mental Wellness