Showing posts with label Resilience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resilience. Show all posts

What Does Mental Health Look Like to You? - A Personal Reflection


Tranquil landscape for mental wellness, featuring meditation near a calm lake at sunrise, embodying resilience, tranquility, and the holistic integration of physical and mental health.

By Michael Mason, M.Ed., LPC, NCC. 

In my journey, both personally and as the lead therapist at Safe Harbor Counseling, I've come to understand mental health as a deeply intricate part of our daily lives. It's not merely a concept but a lived experience, influencing and being influenced by every aspect of our well-being. 

Integrating Mental Health with the Eight Paths of Wellness 

My holistic approach to wellness recognizes that mental health is interwoven with emotional, physical, intellectual, social, environmental, occupational, spiritual, and financial wellness. These paths are threads in the larger tapestry of our lives, each contributing to a richer, more vibrant picture of health. 

Mindfulness and Mental Wellness: Through mindfulness, I've learned the importance of being present. This practice has not only enhanced my professional efficacy but has also provided me with a profound sense of peace in personal settings. It's a tool I share with my clients, encouraging them to find those moments of tranquility and awareness in their own lives. 

Overcoming Trauma with Strength: Facing and healing from trauma has taught me resilience. It's a journey I've navigated personally, learning that vulnerability is not weakness but a profound source of strength. This realization has been pivotal in both my healing and in guiding my clients through their own processes of recovery. 

My Physical Wellness Commitment: My dedication to holistic health involves a disciplined regimen, including a thrice-weekly boxing routine. This physical activity is not just for strength but embodies resilience, determination, and the interconnectedness of physical and mental health. It's a practice I engage in not just for myself but as a testament to my belief in the importance of working on all aspects of wellness. 

Lessons from My Journey 

One of the most impactful lessons from my own regimen has been the incredible power of routine and physical exertion in managing stress and enhancing mental clarity. Punching the heavy bag isn't just a release; it's a meditation, a moment where the only thing that matters is the rhythm of my breath and the force of my swing. This practice has underscored for me the undeniable link between our physical actions and our mental peace. 

Your Path, Our Shared Journey 

Your mental health journey is as unique as you are, yet it connects us in deeply human ways. Whether it's finding peace in mindfulness, strength in therapy, or resilience in physical wellness, know that your path is valid and celebrated. 

I invite you to take the next step in your wellness journey. Consider reaching out for a free 15-minute consultation, at, to explore how we can work together towards your mental health goals. Subscribe to our newsletter for more insights and share your story. Your journey is powerful, and it deserves to be heard. 

What does mental health look like to you? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments or on social media. Together, let's redefine mental health, embracing it as a crucial part of our overall wellness. 

Comprehensive wellness wheel outlining balanced lifestyle sectors: emotional wellness with journaling and counseling, physical health through exercise and diet, intellectual growth via reading and challenges, spiritual well-being with meditation, social connectivity tips, financial planning advice, and environmental mindfulness for organized living spaces.

Trauma-Informed Approaches to Suicide Prevention

A solitary figure stands at the edge of a tranquil sea under a dawn sky, symbolizing hope and resilience in the journey towards healing from trauma and PTSD, a visual embodiment of suicide prevention and personalized support.

Trauma-Informed Approaches to Suicide Prevention 

By Michael Mason, M.Ed., LPC, NCC, Veteran and Lead Therapist at Safe Harbor Counseling 

In the compassionate embrace of Safe Harbor Counseling, we anchor our commitment to understanding, empathy, and personalized support. Today's conversation delves into the essential "Trauma-Informed Approaches to Suicide Prevention," a subject that demands our collective attention and action. 

Understanding Through Empathy 

"Our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our heart," Rumi once said. In every story of struggle, there's a beating heart yearning for understanding. Trauma-informed care cultivates an environment where stories are honored, emotions are acknowledged, and every individual is seen in their full humanity. 

The Role of Personalized Support 

Personalized support stands as the pillar of our approach, recognizing the uniqueness of each journey towards healing. It's not about prescribing a universal solution but about crafting a sanctuary where healing begins with listening and understanding. 

Emphasizing Trauma-Informed Principles 

Safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration, and empowerment guide our steps towards creating a haven for those in turmoil. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, a pioneer in trauma research, emphasizes, "Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives." 

Join Us in Sharing Light and Hope 

We extend an invitation to you to be a beacon of hope and understanding. Share this post, join our conversations on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and explore our resources at Your voice, your story, and your willingness to share can light the path for someone in the shadows. 

We value the power of community and encourage you to engage with us through the comments section of our blog. It's a space dedicated to sharing, learning, and growing together. Your stories, questions, and insights are vital to fostering a collective journey of resilience and recovery. 

Your Voice Matters 

We welcome you to share your thoughts, stories, or reflections on trauma-informed care and suicide prevention. Together, we can build a community of support, understanding, and healing. 

Dusk settles over a tranquil sea, the sky a tapestry of muted purples and pinks fading into early evening blues, while a lighthouse stands in the distance, its beacon shining as a symbol of guidance and safety. In the foreground, a cairn of balanced stones at the water's edge signifies the stability and mindfulness central to trauma-informed care, echoing the themes of healing, hope, and resilience.

"From Victim to Victor" - The Power of Narrative Therapy

A person on a journey from a dark, tangled forest symbolizing trauma to a bright, sunlit meadow representing healing and empowerment, embodying the transformative process of narrative therapy for Wellness Education Wednesday.

Hello again, I’m Michael Mason, your guide and confidant at Safe Harbor Counseling. Today, we continue our Wellness Education Wednesday series with a deeper dive into how narrative therapy facilitates a transformative journey from experiencing trauma to embracing empowerment. 

Narrative Therapy: Crafting Your Story 

Narrative therapy offers us the unique tools to separate ourselves from our problems, allowing us to rewrite our life stories. Inspired by the pioneering work of Michael White and David Epston, this approach teaches us that we are not defined by our experiences but rather by how we understand and narrate these experiences. 

Expanding the Narrative: Diverse Success Stories 

The effectiveness of narrative therapy is vividly illustrated through a mosaic of success stories. From veterans grappling with PTSD to individuals overcoming personal losses, the common thread is the discovery of their inner strength and resilience. These stories, drawn from a broad spectrum of backgrounds, showcase the universal applicability and healing potential of re-authored narratives. 

Latest Insights in Trauma Recovery 

Recent studies underscore the efficacy of narrative therapy in providing significant relief from trauma symptoms. For instance, research published in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy highlights its role in lessening the grip of PTSD, offering a beacon of hope for many. Staying abreast of these findings, we continuously refine our therapeutic practices to offer you the most effective support. 

Interactive Engagement: Your Story Matters 

We’re not just talking about therapy; we’re engaging in a dialogue about transformation. How has revisiting and reshaping your narrative helped you? Share your insights and join the conversation on our social platforms. Your journey can inspire others to take the first step toward healing. 

A Call to Action: Let’s Navigate Together 

If you’re ready to explore how narrative therapy can help you redefine your strengths and heal from trauma, Safe Harbor Counseling is here for you. Visit our website at to schedule your free 15-minute consultation. Together, we can embark on this healing journey, moving you from feeling like a victim of your story to becoming its victorious author. 

Your story is powerful, and with narrative therapy, you can write the chapters to come. Join us next Wednesday for more insights, and remember, in the narrative of your life, you hold the pen. 

#WellnessEducationWednesday #TraumaInformed #NarrativeTherapy #HealingJourney #StrengthsBasedTherapy #SafeHarborCounseling 


A person standing at the dawn of a new chapter in a vibrant meadow, symbolizing growth and empowerment after healing from trauma through narrative therapy.

Unlocking Resilience: A Voyage to Mental Wellness